Friday, August 19, 2016

Amor en muchas lugares

       Learning about telenovelas and their qualities is more detailed than the average person would think. Throughout the last two weeks, though I knew telenovelas were filled of drama and love. I didn't realize the constant triangle in the plot line. As we watched clips throughout the week, I realized how critical and crucial it plays in the telenovelas. One of the first things I thought of as we continued to watch clips was one of my favorite American TV series called Scandal. I thought of the telenovela plot line, and Scandal follows it pretty well. Then, more series from the United States popped into my head.

   Another topic this week I loved was the different cultures and their telenovelas. I never thought I would have enjoyed some of the crazy shows that were shown in class such as drug cartels. Some of the telenovelas' drama was more intense than the type of shows I watch from the Untied States. I feel like that factor itself draws people to the shows and want to watch more and more of them. On the other hand, shows such as the originally "Ugly Betty" drew my attention as well.
    In addition to this week, I laughed when I heard about the Argentina telenovelas not being as admired due to the accent because I know many people that speak with an  Argentine accent, and they are very prideful to many other cultures about their country and accent. I would love to study one of those this semester and especially see the difference if any between the quality compared to other countries.
As  I watch more in the semester about telenovelas and comparing them to other countries dramas, I would love to learn if a triangle is something that is critical for any drama to have to succeed well. Also, I would love to compare more of my American shows to the telenovelas set ups. Personally, I think that telenovelas are more addicting than my Netflix shows at the moment because the cliffhangers are more intense than most of my American shows. Also, I hope to answer why does the crazier shows draw more focus and interest to u besides the fact that they are "bad."


  1. I definitely agree with you! The more I learn about telenovelas, the more surprised I am. Like most people, I had always thought of them as the Latin American version of American soap operas- overly dramatic recycled plots. What a pleasant surprise to find the depth and quality and variation available within telenovelas. There are so many nuances and intricate details that I never would have thought to look for. Like you said, I'm excited to learn more!

    1. I totally agree. I honestly feel that they have more value than our shows in the United States. As I understand the doctrine of a telenovela, I feel that the dramatic parts of them makes it all the best. I really love how much thought goes into them. I'm a huge Scandal lover and I don't think I'm going to be able to watch it the same without comparing to what's it lacking of a telenovela.

  2. Estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que has mencionada. Cuando pensaba de“telenovelas”, también me pensé que consistan de mucho drama y amor. Nunca habría imaginado el alcance de la acción y el argumento muy desarrollado de que estos programas contienen. Como has dicho, algunos programas de EEUU, como “Escándalo” es similar a telenovelas de Latinoamérica. Yo veo “How to Get Away with Murder”, y muchas escenas y los temas como sabotaje, bueno contra el mal, los ricos contra los pobres, y amor son partes de este programa. Sin embargo, creo que la característica más prominente de las telenovelas sea el triángulo de amor.

    A través de este semestres, pienso que va a ser muy interesante ver cómo los diferentes países retrata sus telenovelas. Argentina en particular, será muy interesante observar. Estoy interesado ver si los diferentes de sus acentos es realmente obvio. Sin duda, esta clase será muy interesante ver cómo los diferentes países en Latina América producen sus telenovelas.

    1. ¡Qué asombroso! Me encanta acentos Argentina! Qué telenovela estás viendo? Por favor, comparta conmigo! Creo que Brasil tiene las mejores telenovelas aunque hasta el momento. Estoy viendo mandamientos Diez Moíses y los y los lugares en Internet de personas que dicen que les gusta telenovelas Brasil!

    2. Tambíen, me encanta entender Scandal mas bien porque este clase. Jake, Olivia y el presidente tienen un grande triángulo! Pienso que Scandal es muy similar de telenovelas pero no me gusta que Scandal es solamente un día de semana. En los Estados Unidos, no pienso que series no pueden mirar todos los días porque no tiene tiempo mirar.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Lo siento Mary! No recibo notificaciones, así que acabo de ver sus comentarios! Para responder a su pregunta, estoy viendo "Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal". También no me gusta que Scandal y otros programas en los Estados Unidos son solamente un día de semana y por eso me encanta telenovelas mucho más!


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